
365-Day Member Communication: Re-Engaging Your Members in a Post-Covid Era with Scott Oser

Discover how to get your members, lapsed members, and volunteers to reinvest in your association Post-Covid with membership communication guru Scott Oser and host Farhad Khan

About this Episode

Let’s dive into re-engaging your members and lapsed members through a multi-channel communications approach. The lives of your members have been changed by the pandemic and so does your association’s membership marketing and messaging. We discuss the importance of acknowledging where your members are at and how to renew buy-in from your members, volunteers, and staff.

About our Guest

We are honored to have Scott Oser as our guest for this episode. Scott has spent the past 25 years working with hundreds of associations. He is an accomplished speaker, writer, and respected guru in the membership communication space. 

Take Action with the Know Your Membership Guide & Worksheet

To help you implement the advice Scott shares in this podcast, please use the handy Know Your Membership Guide & Worksheet to create a deeper understanding of who your audience is so you can invest in creating content and member benefits that appeal to them!